Alcohol and Energy Drinks A Dangerous Combination, Study Says
Kenyans are known for innovations. It is becoming increasingly common for alcohol drinkers to combine coffee or energy drinks with alcohol..
Research has shown that combining caffeinated drinks with booze doesn't make you less drunk but actually causes you not to realize how intoxicated you are.
Research has shown that mixing alcohol and energy drinks poses a serious public health risk, that a person tends to drink more heavily, become more intoxicated, and have more negative drinking consequences on days they used both energy drinks and alcohol, compared to days they only used alcohol,"
According to the study, people who drank alcohol and energy drinks on the same day or who combined the two at the same time wound up spending more time drinking – thus consuming more alcohol – than they would have without the caffeinated drinks. The result of spending more hours drinking raised users' blood alcohol levels (BAL) to higher peaks. But because of the stimulant effects of the energy drinks, the users reported that they felt less drunk than they actually were. "This can have serious potential health impacts, for example if people don't realize how intoxicated they actually are and decide to drive home.
Similarly the study concluded that it wasn’t necessarily the combination of alcohol and caffeine that posed a risk, but also the profile of the drinkers themselves that led to negative consequences. "It appears that the consumption of caffeinated alcoholic beverages has a direct effect on increasing risk by masking intoxication and making it easier an individual to consume more alcohol". “It also appears that consumption of alcohol with caffeine may itself be a marker for people who engage in riskier behavior.
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